Product information:
- Molecular weight – 441.4 gmol-1
- Molecular formula – C19H18F3N3O6
- Half-life – 200 minutes
Other names:
- Andarine (GTX-007)
- GTX007
- S-4 cpd
- 401900-40-1
- 7UT2HAH49H
- SCHEMBL2689756
- CHEMBL125236
- CHEBI:94760
- AOB5230
- BDBM18665
Discovery of Andarine:
In 1990, Andarine was discovered by the renowned professor Dalton and his colleagues at the University of Tennessee while they were trying to develop a specific treatment for prostate cancer. Andarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (investigational). Moreover, andarine tends to be the orally active agent, which acts as an agonist (partially) of the androgen receptors.
Mechanism of action:
In our bodies, androgen receptors are present to which specific agents bind, including S4 SARMS. These S4 SARMS attach to the specific proteins present in our bodies. After the andarine binds to these specialized androgen receptors, it directly influences the body and other structures such as bones, muscles, and musculoskeletal tissues to accurately develop and even grow further. Unlike the mechanism of action of other chemicals which bind to steroids (specific receptors), andarine is not dangerous or causes potential side effects due to being mild in nature and non-steroidal in action in the body.
Furthermore, S4 SARMS also copies the beneficial and pharmacological effects of a specific male hormone known as testosterone.
Clinical applications of SARMS S4 andarine:
BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia):
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a non-cancerous disease that causes a significant increase in the size of the prostate gland. In the case of a normal and healthy prostate gland, an enzyme known as the 5-alpha-reductase type II enzyme metabolizes the blood-circulating hormone (testosterone) to DHT. DHT binds to the specific androgen receptors in the cell nuclei. Increased conversion of testosterone to DHT causes an abnormal increase in the size of the prostate gland. Andarine helps in the alternative treatment for suppressing BPH by reducing the detrimental effects of testosterone and its conversion to DHT in the body.
Increased bone mineral density and muscle mass:
One of the most popular and significant beneficial effects of andarine is an increase in muscle mass after consuming the supplement. As per a few animal-model pieces of research, andarine has a potent effect in restoring muscular strength and muscle mass in animals. Furthermore, the same andarine dosage is also helpful in enhancing the density of bone minerals and muscle mass.
In one complete S4 cycle, these supplements can help an individual gain 5lbs. muscle mass. These effects of andarine accelerate the faster fat shredding and help gain muscle mass at the same time. Currently, andarine is popular for different athletic and aesthetic purposes in the global markets. Individuals use these supplements to lose fat and gain muscles most of the time.
The data provided in this article about SARMS S4 Andarine has been written to provide knowledge for the research purposes only. The article is specifically designed to provide information about S4 SARMS rather than giving instructions about the use of it.. Furthermore, there has been no mention of the route of administration or dosage of the Andarine. The information provided in the article has been collected from different published researchers by a group of expert researchers keeping the medical protocols in view.
Furthermore, this article does not contain any information to encourage readers to consume or advertise S4 SARMs. We do not condone any advertisement of any supplement or drug that the FDA has not approved. Melanotan Express insists that no product should be ingested under any circumstances.
- Wikipedia | SARM S4
- Chemspider | Andarine
- Solomon, Zachary J., et al. “Selective androgen receptor modulators: current knowledge and clinical applications.” Sexual medicine reviews1 (2019): 84-94.
- Burmeister, Melissa A., Timothy K. Fincher, and W. H. Graham. “Recreational use of selective androgen receptor modulators.” US Pharm 45.60 (2020): 15-18.
- Zilbermint, Mihail F., and Adrian S. Dobs. “Nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulator Ostarineâ„¢ in cancer cachexia.” Future Oncology 5.8 (2009): 1211-1220.
- Girgis, Christian M., Nancy Mokbel, and Douglas J. DiGirolamo. “Therapies for musculoskeletal disease: can we treat two birds with one stone?.” Current osteoporosis reports 12.2 (2014): 142-153.
Where to find Andarine S4 SARMs for Sale?
If you are looking to buy SARMS S4 for research purposes, visit Melanotan Express, one of the leading suppliers of the USA Peptides and SARMs for sale: