TB 500 is a synthetic analog of Thymosin Beta 4, which is a naturally occurring peptide.
Thymosin Beta 4 is present in almost all the body cells of mammals, and it functions as a healing protein. LKKTETQ with acetylation at the N-terminus is the essential component of the TB-500.
According to the studies, TB-500 is effective for angiogenesis (development of new blood vessels), development, and differentiation of the new cells. It also causes the migration of the newly formed cells. (1)
Other Names of the Product
The other names of the TB-500 are Thymosin Beta 4, Timbetasin, and Tβ4
Chemical Properties
The molecular formula of the TB-500 is C212H350N56O78S, and it has a molecular weight of 4963g.
How was TB 500 peptide discovered?
Allan Goldstein discovered Thymosin initially in the 1960s. He made this discovery when he was at the laboratory of Abraham Albert at the Albert Einstein College. After his discovery, he made it into a company that synthesized two Thymosin products; Thymosin Alpha 1 and Thymosin Beta 4. Synthesizing these two forms of Thymosin was to enhance the immune system and tissue regeneration process.
Mechanism of Action
The therapeutic effects of the TB-500 are due to its ability to bind actin G, a cell-building protein. It attaches to actin G and causes cell migration and differentiation, leading to new vascular growth and tissue regeneration. It also acts as a buffer for the actin existing in monomers. (2)
Applications of TB-500, The Results of Clinical Trials.
1: Tissue Repair
Clinical studies on the mice and rats have shown that using the gel of TB-500 on long-standing pressure and diabetic ulcers speeds up the healing process. (3) TB-500 promotes healing in two main ways; by promoting increased differentiation of the stem cells and inhibiting the process of inflammation. The increased differentiation of the stem cells causes regeneration of the cells and new vascular channels, and reduced inflammation causes less tissue destruction at the wound site. In addition, the formation of the new blood vessels is required to provide oxygen for newly growing tissue. The inhibitory effect of TV-500 on apoptosis and infection at the wound site has also been observed. (4)
2: To Enhance the Function of Neurons
Apart from its wound-healing effect, the TB-500 has also been implicated in enhancing neurological functions. A research study on rats with a traumatic head injury was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the TB-500 in improving neurological processes. There was a significant improvement in the activity of the treated rats’ cortical neurons compared to the rates used as a control. Thus, the experts have concluded that TB-500 can control people’s behavior with CNS orders to some extent.
3: Anti-inflammatory Use of the TB-500 ( Thymosin beta-4 )
In 1999, a study was conducted at Glasgow University. According to that study, TB-500 has potent anti-inflammatory action. It causes this effect by reducing the migration and activation of the neutrophils at the site of information. In addition, the oxidative derivatives of Thymosin Beta 4, such as sulfoxide, are potent anti-inflammatory agents. It is also hypothesized that the anti-inflammatory effect of the TB-500 is due to its ability to promote non-canonical autophagy. Non-canonical autophagy has been shown to activate the anti-inflammatory effect of DAP kinases. (5)
4: Use of TB-500 for Development of Cardiac Valves
It is hypothesized that TB-500 has some involvement in the formation and development of the heart valves in the vertebrates. The involvement of the TB-500 in the development of cardiac valves was investigated initially by a study on the Zebrafish. In this study, the endothelial and mesenchymal transformations were studied in the endocardial cushions. There was a defect in the development of the cardiac tubes in these Zebrafish. When recorded after 48 hours of the fertilization, these Zebrafish also had a flaw in developing the cardiac valves. The level of different forms of Thymosin was also monitored in a model of in situ hybridization. The study results conducted on a model of in situ hybridization revealed the naturally occurring form of TB-500 peptide at the site where the heart is developing. The naturally occurring form found at the site of the developing heart was Thymosin Beta 4. That study concludes that TB-500 has an essential role in developing heart valves; it plays this role by enhancing endocardial to mesenchymal transformation. (6)
The data provided in this article about TB 500 has been written to provide knowledge for research purposes only. The article is specifically designed to provide information about TB 500 rather than giving instructions about the use of TB 500. Furthermore, there has been no mention of the route of administration or dosage of the peptide TB 500. The information provided in the article has been collected from different published researchers by a group of expert researchers keeping the medical protocols in view.
Furthermore, this article does not contain any information that will encourage the readers to consume or advertise TB 500 peptide. We do not condone any advertisement of any supplement or drug that the FDA has not approved. Melanotan Express insists that no product should be ingested under any circumstances.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thymosin
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23084823/
- Conte E, et al. Thymosin β4 protects C57BL/6 mice from bleomycin-induced damage in the lung. European journal of clinical investigation. 2013 – PubMed
- Gómez-Márquez J, Dosil M, Segade F, Bustelo XR, Pichel JG, Dominguez F, Freire M (Oct 1989). “Thymosin-beta 4 gene. Preliminary characterization and expression in tissues, thymic cells, and lymphocytes”. Journal of Immunology
- Goldstein AL (September 2007). “History of the discovery of the thymosins”. Ann. N. Y. Acad
- Pipes GT, Yang J.Vitam Horm, Cardioprotection by Thymosin Beta 4. Vitam Horm. 2016
Where to buy TB 500 Peptide?
Melanotan Express offers TB 500 for sale with at least 99% purity. If you are looking to purchase Peptides TB 500 for research purposes, visit Melanotan Express, one of the leading suppliers of the USA Peptides and SARMs for sale: